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以前會覺得三日不讀書,便覺面目可憎。現在資訊在網路上太多,利用Google訂閱太方便。Literally,我太面目可憎啦~ 就像之前被以為是藝術咖,今天辦事情時,又被以為是作家… 其實不是啦,不過的確喜歡文字。多數時候讀部落格,很少時候寫部落格—一來是自己習慣用筆寫字,自我欣賞;二來是自己的懶散和神經CC的低調。絕大多數今日頗有氣候的作者都是在閒暇時,寫下日常生活中的事,從滿足自己的寫字欲到後來累積讀者,產生影響力的。



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共好,就能in the flow.... water說的,放下決定﹗開放讓可能性流入。

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we went hiking, but we don't know the routine. we asked and we were told that the entrance of the trail can be found near the cemetery.....

a-mi didn't wait till she was clear and said, got it.... and urged me to go, of course, I was clueless then....

i turned at a main road, and she popped out "are you sure it is the way to turn?"

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如果我説無常殘忍,那就是還沒有體會細胞舞動要教我的事,還是無明。Change is the only constant, 變動是唯一的不變。無常,是自然的法則。然而我們自小、自歷史並沒有學習順應無常,反而總在對抗無常,希望永恆。秦始皇不就希望長生不老嗎。


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What a coincidence that today I sent my resume to a autocom., which I consider my best come back so that I write down some exciting and challenging part of the marketing position in autobiz. My rationale is that marketing is no longer marketing communications, it should be marketing educaitonal interactions too. In those days, as a novice driving on the road, no one ever told me in the beginning how to protect myself nor react to the crisis happening on road. But later on, I was lucky to have 2 great sales pro, who are willing to share with me the valuable insights, (also I am willing to listen and learn to protect myself). I truly find the importance of self-survival tips, no matter what we are up to.

Therefore, in my cover letter, I mentioned this teen club, to educate them.

Later, I saw a news report on this educational practice having already been adopted in the US since 2008. Gee, it proves that I am a marketing thinker. I am a marketer with strong idealist color (hope this is english-english. or it would be my chinese-english way of saying 濃~厚理想主義色彩的行銷人)

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life is often compared to dreams.

not able to recognize whehter we are dreaming or in reality when dreaming...

if so... when we are "conscious", we have the choices to make a sweet dream or a ngihtmare.

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Heard a talk from an American who lived in both taiwan and china for years. He said, americans learn teamwork since they were still kids. On the other hand, chinese people don't know how to work with others. Often times, it is family and relatives are trusted to work together with. (also we have many SMEs, coz it is "better to be the head of a chicken rather the tail of a cow")

As I was travelling on the road, seeing a sedan turned around as if no other cars, it occured to me that it is a society that we are too free to do anything so that selfishness is everywhere (為所欲為到凡事自私)I am not saying that selfishness cannot be found in other societies. I think it is a deep rooted mindset that cannot be changed by law, or whatever public agrees. It can be called flexibilty too, however, I resent this kind of "man-made" flexibility.

Flexibilty should be based on the rules. There is no rules without flaws, so there is always actions to be taken for a much flawless law. Then the game would be easier.... What I resent is there is no common rule, for a hard-headed person like me, would be a tough game to play!

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I am quite cynical recently.

Partly because the stress of wanting something, and partly becuase, or say .. the main cause is that we have seen how dark jurisdical system is. so far, we are called the victim. Unless our case is justified with evidences and evidence, we are just one of those victims that whose cases were not resolved with fairness. Side note, as the judge said to us as we are confused with all the misleading procedures: however evidence is important, procedure is also important. Self remedy is your own option! FCUK, but expenses are from your own pocket too.

Another case, I might use the stinger's mind to evaluate another's minor mistake, which is just little amount of change.

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Somehow it is already cliche: how your view the world will be shown in your daily interaction with others, in your talks, in your behaviors; the more I observe, the more I find it is true...

They are previous colleagues.Both are nice with me: one is always caring while there are more business wise/organizational sparklings with the other, whom I've found more and more distant. Mainly because once one becomes egoistic, the way the are with people can be easily sarcastic: not really harmful but less friendly.

"I, I, I", "My, My, My*" could be really a killer. I learned to take another way while there is a pit dug by others' "unconsciousness".  People are inclined to ask others to do their way so to please themselves? However, if they are really caring, they will understand you instead of asking you to please them, you just be yourself!

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The Poem: Invictus

Out of the night that covers me,
      Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

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11.11.1 11.11.2 有意思的巧合。

The Master Numbers

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My 2009 is like driving a manual auto: at the very beginning, I was learning to take control of the clutch along with the geer shift.... it took me a while to avoid flameout when parking, and gradually i moved on and tried to accelebrate, still on my way to mastery though...

Therefore, the objective of 2010 is of course to march on!


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定期收看seth的文章實在是因為他對行銷活動的反思很多都可以再擴充到生活的層面。對我而言,某種程度上 marketing seth=spiritual seth。


這份集結了十數位作家、企業家所言的檔案裡,近80頁的內容讓人覺得seth為分享而不遺餘力。説他是spiritual seth一點也不為過,他除了鼓吹每個人都可以利用網路科技發揮自己的影響力,並且透過他自己的部落格支持他認同的非營利組織(acumen fund; room to read),我也很喜歡他的母親為藝術美術館服務的故事。

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今天seth説,現在在點子世界的我們,要怎麼樣保護好點子?how to protect your ideas in a world where ideas spread?

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