Heard a talk from an American who lived in both taiwan and china for years. He said, americans learn teamwork since they were still kids. On the other hand, chinese people don't know how to work with others. Often times, it is family and relatives are trusted to work together with. (also we have many SMEs, coz it is "better to be the head of a chicken rather the tail of a cow")

As I was travelling on the road, seeing a sedan turned around as if no other cars, it occured to me that it is a society that we are too free to do anything so that selfishness is everywhere (為所欲為到凡事自私)I am not saying that selfishness cannot be found in other societies. I think it is a deep rooted mindset that cannot be changed by law, or whatever public agrees. It can be called flexibilty too, however, I resent this kind of "man-made" flexibility.

Flexibilty should be based on the rules. There is no rules without flaws, so there is always actions to be taken for a much flawless law. Then the game would be easier.... What I resent is there is no common rule, for a hard-headed person like me, would be a tough game to play!


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