I am quite cynical recently.

Partly because the stress of wanting something, and partly becuase, or say .. the main cause is that we have seen how dark jurisdical system is. so far, we are called the victim. Unless our case is justified with evidences and evidence, we are just one of those victims that whose cases were not resolved with fairness. Side note, as the judge said to us as we are confused with all the misleading procedures: however evidence is important, procedure is also important. Self remedy is your own option! FCUK, but expenses are from your own pocket too.

Another case, I might use the stinger's mind to evaluate another's minor mistake, which is just little amount of change.

These days, I defend my own right. I know I have choices: to be a victim or to voice my right. I now knows the actions I can take to voice my right. However, as a cynical minded person, it is way to easy to say things sarcastic while the counterpart isn't so. It seems no matter which choices I take, I remorse. However, the point is that I know I have choices and I go for my choice. While I also have to know that my way of expression is far from satisfying. "AWARENESSS is the first step."  (I want to mention that once i know the actions i can take, actually getting mad is not that easy.)

Thinking of a phrase that Carly Fiorina shared with women, in particular:

You have to recognize that being afraid, being challenged, or being resented are part of what happens.

These should not be the reason not to try. It is just part of life.

The above sharing makes me feel like reading her autobiography!!

When it comes to moolah, I have to mention another mindset/behabivor mechanism I have been contemplating: MONEY vs. TIME. The rich will spend more in order to save the time for more .... while.... my rational has been like "no need to make more money, take the time.." so that i use less moeny spent to trade with more time taken. hmmmmmm... I have to break this thought trap.

Time is definately more important than money.  though I have to say I enjoy the time spent on the trip....


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