What a coincidence that today I sent my resume to a autocom., which I consider my best come back so that I write down some exciting and challenging part of the marketing position in autobiz. My rationale is that marketing is no longer marketing communications, it should be marketing educaitonal interactions too. In those days, as a novice driving on the road, no one ever told me in the beginning how to protect myself nor react to the crisis happening on road. But later on, I was lucky to have 2 great sales pro, who are willing to share with me the valuable insights, (also I am willing to listen and learn to protect myself). I truly find the importance of self-survival tips, no matter what we are up to.
Therefore, in my cover letter, I mentioned this teen club, to educate them.
Later, I saw a news report on this educational practice having already been adopted in the US since 2008. Gee, it proves that I am a marketing thinker. I am a marketer with strong idealist color (hope this is english-english. or it would be my chinese-english way of saying 濃~厚理想主義色彩的行銷人)
I also bring my friend's personal driving experiences and "cradle-to-cradle" concept into my self introduction. Whether I will get the chance for an interview, I am already proud of myself.
Think solution. Deliver solution.
Take actions and you will find..... weaving my dream ahead.