- Jan 02 Mon 2012 17:50
(米) 機會
- Oct 24 Wed 2012 09:37
let be in love
in the way u want to be loved.
but ur love is not full enough yet to cover those hurtful feeling. I need to feel ur caring.
- Aug 18 Sat 2012 21:46
long time no blogging!!
though I have been following tweets and fan pages...
Now am back with pixnet app!!
- Jan 05 Thu 2012 09:21
(讀) Yoga Journal’s Yoga Basics
All the systems of the body are affected: muscular, skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, endocrine, lymphatic, and nervous.
The postures themselves fall into the following categories: standing, seated, supine(lying on the back), prone (lying face down) and inversions (such as headstand, shoulderstand or elbowstand).
- Dec 28 Wed 2011 09:46
(身) 黃帝內經 從頭到腳說健康 曲黎敏
- Dec 25 Sun 2011 11:12
(閱讀) 瑜伽身心安頓—融合呼吸法、體位法及生活習慣術的心靈處方 番場裕之