
目前分類:i。知青 (7)

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All the systems of the body are affected: muscular, skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, endocrine, lymphatic, and nervous.

The postures themselves fall into the following categories: standing, seated, supine(lying on the back), prone (lying face down) and inversions (such as headstand, shoulderstand or elbowstand).


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Frankl用飛行課教練的話來說明有高遠目標的、有意義的人生,讓人能實現真正的自己(what he really can be)

Always overestimate people, so that they can be what they really can be....

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雖然是21世紀,性行為也是依每個人的價值觀有所不同,不過,BBC還是有一則這樣的報導。而最吸我睛的,是紅字:"If she's a virgin, she doesn't have any way of comparing [her husband to other men]. If she's been with other men, then she has experience. Having experience makes women stronger."

Be strong, no matter the sex:male or female. Those mindsets are just sick: they are not aware of their own power but try to weaken others by setting restrictions...

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I am not a big fan of online social networks. There was a time I used msn messenger heavily, but not anymore... as time is limited, more and more acqaintances on the list but hardly share common values...and indeed there are so much more fun things to do "OFFLINE". However I read a book review and the interview of the author of The zen of social media marketing which gives me a new perspective and here is what I find informative.

俺不是網路社交工具 fb/linkedin/twitter的粉絲,有一度是msn的使用者,凡開機必上線。只是吃蘋果後,這個習慣就沒有了。反正,真朋友就算幾百年沒連 絡,一聯天話匣子是停不下的,利用email說一些內心話愈來愈對味了。不過看了這本作 者的訪談,讓我對現在這麼多網路社交行銷有了新認識。先說一件讓人佩服的事,Shama還不到25歲呢,就已經成立過幾家公司了,而目前的顧問公司裡也僱 用了20名員工。誰說年輕沒經驗就不能做事? pam vs shama 訪談的摘要如下:

glamour in your eyes! pam 對shama的這個形容深獲我心。

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