sep 26th: got ur email
oct 4th: texted u
oct 5th: talked 2u
oct 8th: we met..after 8 years

I brought u 3 gifts:
-my father's calligraphy which my mom made it a bookmark
-a Taiwan shape soap
-ginger tea for ur mom

I think those are very special and meaningful.

now I think of these gifts again,
- u like to read and now u r a Buddhist: bookmark is perfect and the writing is Buddha and the mantra

- u are a phobia of cleaness: the soap touches ur heart too (oh, and u took a heart shaped towel back too "love Taiwan" :D) but u said cannot use it because of the shape

- u cooked, ur mom cooked, the weather over there is cooooooold, ginger tea is a wonderful gift too!!

I am good at picking gifts.

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