在newsweek上讀了個數據,說bosnia(波士尼亞)有近42%的失業率。其中,許多人在猖獗的黑市(sprawling black market)工作,所以無法計入官方的工作率中。


read a number on newsweek that about 41% bosnians are unemployeed, but they are off record because they work in the sprawling black market.
what is the sprawling black market in bosnia?


the 41% figure is the "official" figure for unemployment because many people who are employed or not even looking for work are registered as unemployed - as a matter of fact, I myself am still probably registered in Bosnia at this employment office as unemployed:) and many people work for small companies or for themselves in Bosnia, but do not register so as not to pay taxes etc.
the real figure for unemployment i more like 20% or even lower.
thus, it's not that there is a some "sprawling black market" where people buy and sell banned things, but simply that many people who have regular jobs are not registered
but the situation in bosnia is bad anyway, especially now with the crisis...



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