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Dear E&A,
Happy Lantern Festival. It is also the date last year that I begin my first vipassana course. I am sooooooooo grateful  :D
I had a a wonderful "cooking holiday" there (and I got this new year resolution to go to a cooking class)

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1027 重温好久沒有的一個人地盤的滋味。



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結果是the benefit of dhamma outweights all the other inconveniences.....這回沒有第一次的大驚奇,不過受到一句話的啟發:每一次都像第一次﹗的確,每回都能有感動與體會!!不過我寫下來的心情不如第一次那麼地激動,就以彈點,分類式的記錄如下了。

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I am a bit anxious, i know. as the qualification test is around the corner while i still cannot manage to make words come as fast as possible...... even worse, do i understand what i heard????? if that gets wrong, the rest would be misleading output.

LISTENING, is more than what I thought.

Therefore, I am kinda stressed. the muscles around my neck are now tighten again. I felt the pain when I fell asleep on the commuting trip. As I have learned the relationship between angry and the pain around my neck muscles, I got angry in the ngiht dream. (as i woke up, the dream was still sharp but after 2 hours of "nap" it is gone again....) i had a quarrel with my sister...

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Lately I often have dreams. Unlike the blood red eyes one, this time it involves E,A, and O.

We are in E's I-House. And we are playing a "global mapping" game. On the world map, there are several cities marked. What we do is to name a city and use a special kind of device to see whether it is our own image in this place (person+place=photo) E made some efforts to make our image photos become transparent so that we have to utilize this device to find things out.

When it is my turn, I picked Sydney, Australia. In the dream me, I am thinking it is where E has been to, but I haven't yet.... let's see if I am here. And I find E scanned the photo I used for international student card (with a purple shirt). I remember my own image much more than the place. But I am in my choice.

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我在搖滾核心區﹗﹗(另一個 in the flow 的經驗﹗)


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I often felt mad in the dreams recently, no matter I sit during commute  or lay down on my bed. I think that is because of the neck problem. Angers, I hope through these dreams, both mentally and physically I can feel better. Gradually...


There are more than one dream last night, one is about a trip to Palestine. At that beginning, I only know the flight route: from asia to america and then.... i got to know it is palestine. How interesting, the crossroad of time and space. Well, maybe i should drop a line to my israeli friends....

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Hi c,

2 hours no longer in my schedule long time ago ... I feel bad about it although I try to attend to mind for whatever I do.

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I was asked whether i am a designer when taking a photo of color and material demo of chairs. I am not (yet), but it is a pleasure to be mistaken for!

i was actually not that yet to arrive for the speech, however, the speech was already finished. the speaker was surrrounded by many: to b-talk to him, to take a picture with him...i was thinking to have a name card then go, but he just cannot find his name cards... what a pity, i think.. then I just marked down the name of his studio.. it doesnt make much sense if i asked a card but know nothing about his presentation anyway...

because amimi forgot to bring her mobile, we ended up with waiting for each other by... chance. while i was waiting for her, i read the vipassana book that i bought but not finish yet.

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I have a glimpse of the beauty of meditation, because of it, I begin feeling every cell of mine is dancing... well, or say feeling they are lazy as the bigger I generally feel.

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It has been a month since my first day to an amazing journey, to attend to mind and to be liberated through vipassana.

I keep practicing after the course as I made a great determination on the-11th-day discourse because I have learned a great deal in 10 days and felt the teachers practice what they preach. However, meditation is not as productive as it was in the center. My mind is even wilder even though I can easily make it to sit one hour, but if I cannot control the mind, sitting doesn't mean much. Well, I know it is a process...

Last weekend, a girlfriend asked, "your legs look tanner, is that because you went trekking with shorts?" I am tanner, true. But I wore long pants when go trekking. I said so. But this question made me think "if not because of trekking, then how did I get tanned?" This morning practice, I realized that I usually tucked my pants@ great determination hours. In the afternoons, the sunshine, though not torching, still made people wanna find a shadow....

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