Dear E&A,
Happy Lantern Festival. It is also the date last year that I begin my first vipassana course. I am sooooooooo grateful  :D
I had a a wonderful "cooking holiday" there (and I got this new year resolution to go to a cooking class)

Being a dhamma server, we are allowed to talk, which I didn't know. And I would say, the companions are carefully selected by HIM, to reflect my craving and aversion.

I had a very good boss/chef there, she doesn't mind I am totally innocent in cooking. I was assigned plenty fundamental work but I do feel these are to build my way to be a chef. She said if I keep coming for another 10 times for cooking, I would become chef in the 11th time :D  I like her way of leading too. And she spends much time thinking what to cook with ingredients available. She always pushes me to be faster (and I told her I am impatient so I have to be quick in real life, but she is even more impatient ^O^  for the responsibility)

Assistant Teacher:
I am so lucky to have met the teacher who recorded the discourse in Mandarin. His teaching is fun too. Since the 2nd day, I found myself need to be guided, and I learned alot from him. At the 5th night, A student asked him how to set goals. And I had a "life exploration-transformation" course, however, I was not so sure about it. So I asked the teacher, it seems the more (although I didn't really practice 2 hours a day) I am into vipassana, the fewer goal I have, but to be liberated. Is it right? He said that I am still dubious about the benefits of vipassana and I haven't experienced the true beauty of it yet..... I feel more confirmed (also I want to participate in satipaṭṭhāna course) that I begin practices twice a day AGAIN. Deeply, I am more vipassana than those life courses which ask people to find goals, to be liberated is the greatest goal of all, I feel.

I am the most green one in this course. And I learned pretty much tips to be a long-sit meditator. Interestingly, when I was the student last year, there was a british woman and this time there was a berlusian woman; they are both tall. Deja vu!And I was prompted to ask questions because of a woman at my mom's age. She kept nagging when we were washing the leaves. I thought she was upset about me, but later in the room, I knew she was sort of hurt because of another girl's attitude, not me. What a trigger, I thanked her for brining those "bad" experiences I had at work to the surface. So that the AT would be able to help me answer these. Sometimes people with justice might sound nagging and judgemental and there are nuances in our intentions: it could be easily for our egos. Besides, I make some funny friends there ^O^

QA after discourse:
I didn't know it could be so interesting and thought provoking to know others' questions. Some suffered, and some had a good "vibration" at meditation...etc, and I love metta in the end every day.

D, thanks!



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