  • Apr 01 Thu 2010 23:20
  • moon

What does moon mean to you?

When I was a child, I see moon as a glowing object named moon. Not much special. It has nothing to do with my life.

When father and grandma pass away one after another, I see moon as them watching over me. Moon is given the soul of my dears.

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No doubt, whenever I said or did something to enlighten or inspire people, I see their shinning eyes and that glitters me in return.

  • K, as if a 陳欣怡 from "destined to fall in love with you" in real life. I know I cannot relate to her 100%: a busy job but not of her interest, which she doesn't know what it is yet; never say no to colleagues because she hardly social, not much time on her own for she has to take care of her mom after a busy long day.... Speeding, probably is the way she gets rid of the stress and boredom.

         As she put Chinapost back to the place, I said to her that you should read it whenever you have time, however tiny and sparse it may be. She, as usual, replied discouragingly, I will have to check up the words all the time and I don't have much time doing so. Although I tried to study a bit during weekends, I find the tbooks boring.

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a, dont forget me when you watch nice indie movies..... (look yearning :p) my last movie of recent is "los abrazos rotos" by a spanish director, Almodovar. I have been his "fan" after first watching his movie in the spanish course in university. Back then, there were so many cultural shocks, however, i enjoy his sense of humor and the colors in the movies, and of course, the stories.

e, it came to me that the first time i learned "purge" is in our first block studying statistics,"to purge the factors"." What the hell is it?" I thought, isn't statistic about regression and combinations these sort of things? Purge! oh, thanks for doing most of the hard work then :D

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I have a glimpse of the beauty of meditation, because of it, I begin feeling every cell of mine is dancing... well, or say feeling they are lazy as the bigger I generally feel.

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Almodovar's movie, I don't want to miss any because I like the way he uses colors, the stories he tells, all have its strong message while very exotic... these storeis are not usually seen in a comparatively conservative country. I appreciate the way Almodovar treats bodies: it's just body! so natural, so beautiful.

So I went to los abrazos rotos, without hestitation. After vispassana, I would say I could see things in a new perspective and I can be more the playwrighter than a movie watcher.

I find aspirations from Mateo/Harry, whichever name he chose to be himself. He mentioned the thread of a story: how an abandoned child loves his ruthless father while his business partner, Judy, put her idea on his documentary thought as a sad story. There is always something bigger behind stories. Diego, Judy's son, is another secret. I think first, Diego is a great child that any mom would like to have. In the end of the movie, Judy apoligized to Diego for letting him grow up under her great hatred. She later confessed to Diego that Mateo is his father. So that Mateo is the only one doesn't know the truth, but with two greatest loves. Second, I find Judy's love to Mateo from lovers to life-long friends admirable. When Mateo fell in love with Lena, she must suffer a lot while Diego was not in a good health condition. But she, bore all the secrets that brought her guilt and regret for years, chose to be with Mateo, as a friend, as a business partner. Such kind of attitude requires how liberate mind and attitude!

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It has been a month since my first day to an amazing journey, to attend to mind and to be liberated through vipassana.

I keep practicing after the course as I made a great determination on the-11th-day discourse because I have learned a great deal in 10 days and felt the teachers practice what they preach. However, meditation is not as productive as it was in the center. My mind is even wilder even though I can easily make it to sit one hour, but if I cannot control the mind, sitting doesn't mean much. Well, I know it is a process...

Last weekend, a girlfriend asked, "your legs look tanner, is that because you went trekking with shorts?" I am tanner, true. But I wore long pants when go trekking. I said so. But this question made me think "if not because of trekking, then how did I get tanned?" This morning practice, I realized that I usually tucked my pants@ great determination hours. In the afternoons, the sunshine, though not torching, still made people wanna find a shadow....

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The Poem: Invictus

Out of the night that covers me,
      Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

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