Almodovar's movie, I don't want to miss any because I like the way he uses colors, the stories he tells, all have its strong message while very exotic... these storeis are not usually seen in a comparatively conservative country. I appreciate the way Almodovar treats bodies: it's just body! so natural, so beautiful.
So I went to los abrazos rotos, without hestitation. After vispassana, I would say I could see things in a new perspective and I can be more the playwrighter than a movie watcher.
I find aspirations from Mateo/Harry, whichever name he chose to be himself. He mentioned the thread of a story: how an abandoned child loves his ruthless father while his business partner, Judy, put her idea on his documentary thought as a sad story. There is always something bigger behind stories. Diego, Judy's son, is another secret. I think first, Diego is a great child that any mom would like to have. In the end of the movie, Judy apoligized to Diego for letting him grow up under her great hatred. She later confessed to Diego that Mateo is his father. So that Mateo is the only one doesn't know the truth, but with two greatest loves. Second, I find Judy's love to Mateo from lovers to life-long friends admirable. When Mateo fell in love with Lena, she must suffer a lot while Diego was not in a good health condition. But she, bore all the secrets that brought her guilt and regret for years, chose to be with Mateo, as a friend, as a business partner. Such kind of attitude requires how liberate mind and attitude!
"Dona Sangre"gave Mateo and Diego an inspriation on a vampire story. It is funny that they think Chinese control almost eveything in their society, such as night life. The analogy that Chinese are like vampires that suck human's blood for their own survival is quite delighting, I would say!
Quoted from an unusual TRUE friend of mine, you know some divorced couples call each other, "so how is your new one?" People cannot live together as couples doesn't mean they cannot be friends. She says men are not easy to keep in touch with, if you are not considered his best friend nor business partner. She brings me a new thought, and there are so many other ways to "be together".We have shared so many lives with each other that we get to meet again this life. How can I not treat every one who lift my life treasures?
Invictus, a movie about Nelson Mandela. He chooses to forgive so that he has the power to unite. He said to his daughter "You judge and comment before you understand the whole picture, and that is selfish." Too often that we judge before understanding. Forgiving is not easy but we all can try. He learned his enemy when he was in prison, he leads people not just set a role model but encourages them to be more than they expect they can be. I find a leader can hardly be irritated because he understands so that he is able to persuade or calm people down. We learn different "language" to communicate better. What's more, a leader will never ever take his followers invisible: he knows everyone by name, he knows what they like and dislike,he knows how their family members are. He gives respect to every individual. That's more than a manager, that's a leader....
Fear not, life is beautiful is true!!