100629  好辛苦喔,精神可佳⋯在凌晨回家時的鼓勵/夢話 

100618 人類說要拯救地球,但事實是,地球不會毀滅,毀滅的是人類自己! 當頭棒喝啊!!

到过台湾的人都知道,和其他华人社会比较起来,台湾民众相对更为善良、温暖、开朗、易于相处、愿意助人、容易相信别人,但大家也别忽略了台湾人的善良在某种程度上还是有选择性、阶级性的,许多人对西方人是一套标准,但对来自印尼、菲律宾、中国大陆、越南的外籍劳工或配偶却又是一套标准。  (嗯⋯)

100617  Quote from sethgodin's amplifying the lizzard brain...

You can listen to your customers murmur about you online, except that pleased customers tell a few people, angry ones tell everyone. So it's really easy to misinterpret a few as a deluge.

On the other hand, once you accept that this is self-sabotaging behavior, you might choose to deliberately ignore interactions that amplify the very noise you're trying to avoid


100616 Quote on 0614


100613  Surprises on Rainy Days and a Reminder

I was surprised that there are resturants giving discouts on rainy days!

And I reminded 3 high-school girls to watch out their belongings. When they 3 were asking the direction of the toilet, I had the feeling that they were going all together. Well, it is good that they have such a good friendship but they should know that at least one should stay to look after their stuff. I am glad that I told them so. But I also wonder isn't it something basic that all should know and therefore, the reminder should be redundant?


100610 Be a grown-up, Take my responsiblity

It was not a too happy happening, my scooter was towed, because I parked it in the red line area... No punishment, no lesson learned, I think.

I asked Amimi to go pick it up with me; however, she has her own buisness to take care of today. Therefore, she called at the late night to check their earliest opening hour.

The tricky thing is our perceptions:

I called the police to know where the scooter are towed to, while Amimi thought they left the phone number for us to reach. Unfortunately, the police (rookie?!) gave me the wrong location and when Amimi called, she was asked "is it scooter or car?" (I have to say it is a stupid question in my restropection)

She thought all the scooters were sent to the same place (but she went to pick up the scooter once with my sister in a farther place) while I asked her to make sure by giving the plate number.

The next early morning, we both woke up early. When she was cleaning the scooter again before we embark, I said "I am going to call to make sure if the scooter is in that retention center. Amimi, with her helmet, stepped angrily on the ground and said, "I have called!!, scooters are all there" well, I replied a bit louder, and she said, "don't be so mad!" My perception is that if I make the phone call, she would be unhappy for my questioning her capability of getting things done. 

When we arrived, she asked the security guard again by this(stupid)question:" are all towed scooters here?"  This question really made me angry, and I repeat, if you want to confirm this question, we could just have called rather than come all the way in person....

As my worst scenario, the scooter turned out not in this one but the other one....   so I kinda murmured all the way while thinking

(1) I should have called, no matter what she said. She later told me that with the helmet, she cannot hear clearly what I was talking about and rather than saying I didnt hear you, she was mad by saying I have called and checked!

(2) Be a grown up, this is a good chance for me to learn AGAIN, this is not her first time unwilling to say "I don't know!" "I didn't hear clearly!!" I should really have learned.

(3) Take my responsiblity, I shouldn't blame on her but me for such an outcome. Take my stance, follow my instinct, NO MATTER HOW THE IMPORTANT ANOTHER ONE IS SAYING NO. (I think of Miss Porter, the creator of Peter rabbits. Her mom is always saying no to her! but she finally made it.)


Learn and Grow.




Hi c

Just thinking about u now that I'm in Taipei waiting for connecting flight en route to San francisco..

Hope all is well for u & ur mom :-)


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