100425 Sun

1. I asked D what her criteria are in choosing a significant one. D says, first honesty. second, he gotta be knowledgable so that he can teach me alot. third, if he is rich, that is even better... while 2/3 of the guys say appreance/beauty is not important but the personality: being independent or capable etc... After the survey, I might not be able to give guys a good suggestion, but I told D that rather than finding a knowledgable man, (she looks wonder), be a knowledgable woman so that you attract others!! (now I see the lights in her eyes... she smiles too)

2. 挽面:a very traditional taiwanese facial, to remove the tiny hair from your face so maybe we can name it "facial hair removal". older generation has their facial when there are big events to dress up. nowadays, it is said the facial hair removal can help attract better luck!  but an immediate personal feeling is that the facial circulation has been improved, right away!  the old lady, almost 70, is really skillful that when i closed my eyes to enjoy the service, i think i will bring friends to exprience this! Upon opening my eyes, i told her "真功夫(real good technique and skill/for guru, masters!)呢". She replied "會煮菜a是師傅,會煮飯a是真功夫〞(those who make dishes are cooks, those who know how to cook rice are masters!) Nice say, I like it! (following clip is a reference)




* blush is not body language, but a mental reaction..

* my eyes brings clear message to others that i am aware.

* 熱騰騰:



100417 From Toom

Feel so much love. Toom and Ja thought of me when they met to catch up each other! And Toom wrote to tell me so. I checked the time she sent the email, I was having facial lying on my bed and tried practicing... during this short practice, i can't feel my body but a mass of energy flowing, especially in the chest and brain area... A quality period of practice worths much more than a long hour sitting, I learned so. (but long hour sitting is not nothing anyway.)


100415 @ post office


100414  Grape Juice! Yum!!

k 帶了一瓶她推薦的水果汁,讓這兩天身體微恙的我心裡也挺開心的,謝謝你!


100410  早起的鳥兒有蟲吃


If you realised how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. - peace pilgram

It does not require many words to speak the truth. - chief joseph, nez perce

Life can only take place in the present moment. If we lose the present moment, we lose life. -buddha

Awake. Be the witness of your thoughts. You are what observes, not what you observe. -buddha

Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others. - david hawkins




it makes "sense of achievement" available whenever i share. i felt energetic today and also monday was skipped, thursday will be skipped as well that i seize the chance to do my daily performance. because of my upbeat, i also found the rest keep lifting their face muscles by laughing and smiling. (zero limit says, clear yourself and the rest will be cleared)

i also got to laugh as josh was trying to say a word, in unintentionally "french" way!


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